Have you ever wanted to be able to check your vital signs without seeing your doctor? Now, you can because of new digital technology that makes it all possible. Other tasks that may be fulfilled are home tests, as well as, the ability to access their medical information. This is extremely handy because if you are seeing another physician who does not have your records on file, you will be able to provide them with the necessary information you need to be examined. Eric Topol, a cardiologist, geneticist and researcher describes how power is being shifted from physicians and hospitals to patients as the world of medicine enters "an age of democratization" in his book "The Creative Destruction of Medicine."
This change is becoming so rapid because todays society is all wrapped up in social media and digital technology, thus creating a shift in power from physicians to patients who will have all the technology they need in the same place that they can communicate with their friends. Each year this software advances creating faster and easier ways of checking your health without having to wait in a waiting room. For example, say your not feeling well, just search your symptoms on WebMD from home and you can at least narrow it down to very few results to what you may have. If it is something serious that may require surgery, digital technology has progressed enough to create digital three-dimensional reconstructions of any part of the body to make the procedure easier and faster. Also, while the body part is digitally reconstructed doctors are able to monitor all of your vitals, brain waves, oxygen concentration in the blood and even mood. Who would have thought that we would have such advanced technology today that can reconstruct a human digitally with such detail down to granular size! With such innovations, who knows what we'll be able to do next?!
EVERA. Everyone should feel this good about healthcare.