Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Why America Can’t Just Take Other Countries Healthcare Systems.

Way to often then not, when you hear people conversing about the United States Healthcare system, there is almost always a comparison to other nations and how their system is better, more efficient, and how we should be more like them.  Statements like these irk me. The reality is, the United States cannot take healthcare systems from other countries and apply it successfully here.  Our nation is just too big, and too complex. In order to solve our Healthcare problems such as high cost, low quality, and overall inefficient system do to administration encumber; we need to look for new ways. Fresh ideas and creative policy’s that work for America, and the American system.

 As mentioned in the article, healthcare systems need to be based off of countries political, cultural, geographic, and economic environments. By using these as foundations we could successfully build a healthcare system that works. In addition, becoming a system based on preventing sicknesses, rather than a system that treats sicknesses, can only be beneficial. By preventing sickness it not only keeps people healthier and out of the doctors office, but it cuts the cost of medical expenses and opens up more time for doctors to see those patients who really need it. But, how do we make this shift? The answer is simple; we need to increase education and decrease the inequality gap that has been increasing throughout the years. In order to find the money to implement this, we need to stop the spending of billions of dollars on health reforms that in the long run offer no real relief, and “focus on cleaning up the clutter, removing administrative barriers, and allowing physicians to do what they were trained to do.” In the end, the only way to really fix Americas healthcare system is not to implement these constant reforms that offer some small period of relief in the beginning and no real change in the end, or to look at other countries and say ‘hey! It’s working for them why can’t it work for us?’ What we need to do is construct a personalized system based on the political, cultural, geographic, and economic systems of America. Only then will our system truly be able to offer high quality care at an affordable rate. 

EVERA. Everyone should feel this good about healthcare.


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