Thursday, April 24, 2014

Switching Lanes

I am the type of person that doesn't like to sit idling and I'm always looking for my next project or improvement. So I'm introducing you to my "how to keep yourself healthy" portion of the Evera Health Blog. Evera Health is more than just a company that offers and excellent service to its customers. We also try our best to aid in healthcare reform as well as the overall health of our people. So every so often when I get bored of bashing the ACA and helping my readers depict between facts and propaganda. I will also throw a little something in there that will help you feel better and be healthier.

My first discussion actually relates to a personal experience of mine. Growing up for the most part I worked jobs that required me to be on my feet and constantly moving around. I was a short order chef, caddy, I've done some landscaping so moving around was not a rarity. Once I began working for Evera Health it was a big switch for me. I actually prefer working from a desk because allows me to use my physical energy on things other than work. It is important to be aware of a change like this especially if you do not exercise regularly.

So whenever you experience a change in your life, think about how it can effect your health!

Here are 6 Tips to remain health whilst working from your desk

EVERA. Everyone should feel this good about healthcare.

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