Saturday, April 26, 2014

The ACA's Definition of Success

Any judgement passed on whether or not the ACA is working or not up to this point would be speculation.  The numbers we have are estimations at best and we have no way of knowing the specifics.  Who actually paid their premium? Who already had coverage? Will states that accepted federal money to expand medicaid be able to withstand the financial burden placed on them in the future? With all these variables how can someone confidently say "This thing is working" or vise versa. Every time a mistake is made with the roll out or promises are broken regarding procedure a new, lower benchmark of success is created.

This is a terrible way to think let alone roll out a new healthcare law. Imagine if every time you set a goal for yourself you saw yourself not being able to reach that goal. You set an easier goal and surpassed it is that success? NO not even close. I understand we need to be realistic in setting goals. The saying goes "shoot for the stars you'll reach moon" not shoot yourself in the foot repeatedly before you start a 5k.

We will have a much better understanding of how this law is shaping up in June once insurance companies report their 2nd quarter earnings. At least then we will will be able to compare the number of "Sign-Ups" to the number of people who are actually insured in the United States.

EVERA. Everyone should feel this good about healthcare.

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