Thursday, May 1, 2014

Affordable Concierge Medicine

How do we progress? How do we go from driving a Model- T Ford to today's 40 mpg, sleek, GPS in the dashboard Honda Civic. How do get from rotary dial telephones to a smart phone that's just as capable as a desktop computer. We innovate, change, make thing more efficient, and less expensive. It seems as if the healthcare industry is avoiding change. Maybe it's because they are stubborn. Maybe it's because doctors don't want to jeopardize their bottom line. There are so many things in this space that need fixing it's overwhelming to even think about where to start. It's like you have company coming over and your place looks like a bomb went off in your living room (not a good feeling).

This idea of concierge medicine for the masses has so many pros and so few cons it's amazing to me that it hasn't caught fire yet. Everybody wins, as far as models go this is a home run. Doctors make the same if not more revenue from monthly subscribers, they have a very good estimate of what their revenue will be month-to-month, and they get to spend more time with each patient because they have fewer total patients. Doctors and insurance companies both reap the benefits of a DPC model because it cuts paperwork for 90% of all doctor visits in the US filed under the umbrella of primary care each year. Lastly, and most importantly the patients get more quality time with their doctors, convenient appointment times, and more affordable care.

Forbes went on to further explain all of the points I have just made about concierge medicine.

If the above interests you check out our site we offer monthly subscriptions for primary care provided by US Healthworks. See if our services are located in your area!

EVERA. Everyone should feel this good about healthcare.

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