Friday, May 30, 2014

Is the ACA Helping or Hurting?

The Affordable care act is more popular because of the republican party attempting to repeal it rather than its ability to help provide the american people with quality healthcare. According to a new survey, a total of 43 percent of people believe the ACA has had a predominantly negative effect on the United States. Another 21 percent feel the ACA has not had much effect on the country at all, while 28 percent of respondents to the survey felt that yes, the ACA has made positive strides in healthcare reform in the United States. In addition, the survey also found that only 11 percent of Americans are lacking health insurance, this is the lowest percentage recorded  since last August when 15 percent claimed to be without insurance. On the other hand, “23 percent of respondents who had employer-sponsored health insurance told Bankrate that they are more likely to retire early or otherwise leave their jobs because of aspects of Obamacare that dilute the advantage of job-linked coverage.” This is a major gap between the 8 percent who said they were less likely to leave their employer as a result of Obamacare. Earlier this year, the Congressional Budget Office predicted that roughly 2.5 million jobs would disappear as a result of people leaving the workforce due to the effects of Obamacare by 2024. Lastly, according to a Bankrate survey from last month 45 percent of respondents  believed Obamacare should be repealed; 44 percent said it should be maintained. It has been a struggle for even the most avid followers of the law to distinguish whether it is working or not due to speculative information and propaganda. At this point it’s clear that we need more time to collect more accurate information before we can start understanding and stop speculating on positive and negative outcomes in respect to the ACA. 

EVERA. Everyone should feel this good about healthcare.

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